On Reading the chart, (KO Preferred Strategy Matrix pp 85)in the book
KO I understand most of the changes from basic strategy e.g. BS calls
for doubling 9 vs dealers up card of 3,4,5, & 6. On the chart it shows an A
(pivot point) when the player has a 9 and the dealer has a
2, or a 7. I understand that the player will now double down 9 vs a 2 and a 7
when the count is at or greater than the pivot.
BS strategy calls for standing with 12 vs a 4,5,& 6. On the chart it
shows a C (IRC) when the player has a 12 vs a 4,5, & 6. Does this mean
when the count is below the IRC the player, plays according to BS and
stands? and when the count is at or above the IRC the player hits?
I usually ignore category C, as I play I play a 6 deck game,
however I will be travelling to LV and will be playing one and 2 deck
games, help is appreciated, thanks in advance.