Discussion of Jerry Patterson and Target are welcome on BJ21
Don�t bring up Jerry Patterson or Target on this site. You will be brutally beaten about the head and shoulders when you do. If you are successful with JP�s system no one will believe you and you will be told you that either you are a shill for JP or you are in for a big fall. Doesn�t matter if you have had 10,879,413 consecutive winning shoes...that�s not really the long term and you will get yours in the end. If you like JP�s stuff and are successful with it keep playing, keep your mouth shut, and hoard your profits.
That is not true. No one will be "brutally beaten about the head and shoulders" literally or figuratively for discussing Jerry Patterson or Target on BJ21. What is true is that Jerry's Target system might be brutally beaten about the head and shoulders.
Some visitors to BJ21 come with starry-eyed dreams that worthless systems will make them rich. Other visitors to BJ21 possess the analytical skills to analyze systems to distinguish which give an edge and which don't.
BJ21 welcomes visitors with starry-eyed dreams of systems they think will make them rich. But don't expect to meet too many people here who will share your dreams for your system. Instead expect to encounter people capable of analyzing your system, and expect them to be honest about what they find. BJ21 is a place to learn; it is not a place where everyone pats each other on the shoulder no matter what worthless drivel they bring to the table.
If Jerry Patterson himself starts posting on BJ21, he will be treated with respect. His Target system will not be treated with respect.
If you are using Target or any other system that the analytical people on BJ21 think is worthless, expect your system to be shot down. You are welcome to attempt to defend it. People who are argue that your system is worthless are not being mean; they are being realistic. They are not trying to beat you up; they are trying to help you understand your system.
You are the one who must decide whether you will keep using your system in the future. Feedback that you get on BJ21 is better at predicting how your system will perform in the future than is your past performance with that system.
Stanford Wong