Answering My Own Question!
After getting the info, I decided to enter the tournament. Sounds like fun. I look forward to meeting some of you at the tournament. Look for "Tuna Dave."
Following are the rules, entry fee and payouts for the blackjack tournament to be held at the Imperial Palace in Las Vegas on April 9-11:
The entry fee for the tournament is $325. Each registrant will have the opportunity to re-enter two times at $100 for each re-entry.
There are four rounds, "pyramid fashion." My understanding is that the total number of players will be limited to about 300, but I don't know the exact number. During the first round, either one or two players from each table will move on to the second round. The number of total registrations will determine whether it is one or two in this first round. However, in the rounds two and three only one person from each table will progress. At the end of the third round, there will only be six players left, all of whom will move on to the final round.
Play for rounds one, two and three will start at $750; the final round will start at $1,500.
Each round will last 40 minutes, plus five hands. During rounds one, two and three, the minimum bet will be $10 with a maximum of $500. During the final round, the minimum bet will be $25, with a maximum of $500.
Round one will be dealt double deck, with rounds two, three and the final round dealt single deck. All rounds will be dealt to the bottom and have a floating first base.
The payouts (presuming a full roster of players), is as follows:
First Place - $20,000
Second Place - $10,000
Third Place - $7,500
Fourth Place - $5,000
Fifth Place - $3,000
Six Place - $2,000
So, as long as a player can make it to the final round, he/she will cash.
Tournament registration and drawings for round one play assignments will be Friday afternoon (April 9th) between 1-5 PM. Round one play begins Saturday morning at 8 AM; round two starts on Sunday at 8 AM. round three starts at 1 PM; and the final round will be played at 2 PM.
The hotel is not offering any great room deals or incentives to enter the tournament, except that they will provide room accommodations at casino rate.
For information about the tournament, call Casino Marketing, at the Imperial Palace, at 1-800-351-7400, Ext. 1.