Is the following deal better for INVESTORS or PLAYERS on a blackjack team?
10 investors putting up $5,000 each
4 counters putting in only their TIME (no money)
50,000 bankroll, breakout at 50% gain (i.e. when it hits 75,000)
$25,000 gain (only, not BR) is shared 50-50 investors-players
12,500 for all investors = $1,250 each, 25% ROI on $5K put in
12,500 for all players = $3,125 each, payment for time spent counting
Rinse, repeat... as long as it holds up.
If at any time the 50K bankroll is wiped out to zero, everyone considers it a "loss" and the team either ends, or perhaps it reforms again with new investment money to try again.
Of course the breakout payments may happen sooner or later, just depends. Could be right away, could be MONTHS in between hitting the 50% target if there are losses/setbacks. Everyone understands this and shares that risk.
Assume all participants are honest (big assumption, I know, but for sake of this question leave possible ripoffs out of it).
So would you rather be an INVESTOR or a PLAYER on this team, and why? And IF you think it's too unfair to one or the other, how would you revise the agreement to make it 50-50 FAIR to both?