What do you think about the discrepencies occurring between simulation results?With all due respect for Cacarulo, I don't think that the difference between index 0 and index -1 can be talked away with reference to truncating and flooring.
But that's the way truncating and flooring treat indices. There's nothing wrong with it. Allow me to explain the difference between flooring and truncating in terms of buckets or bins:
| TC | Bucket |
| +2 | [+2,+3) |
| +1 | [+1,+2) |
| 0 | (-1,+1) |
| -1 | (-2,-1] |
| -2 | (-3,-2] |
| TC | Bucket |
| +2 | [+2,+3) |
| +1 | [+1,+2) |
| 0 | [ 0,+1) |
| -1 | [-1, 0) |
| -2 | [-2,-1) |
Note that all buckets have size 1 (one) except for the truncated "zero bucket" which is double. Here comes the difference and the reason of why flooring is better than truncating.
Now, let's say the exact index is -1.0. So you will hit TCs < -1.0 but stand on TCs >= -1.0. What happen at the -1 bucket in both methods?
If you're truncating then you should hit the buckets <= -1 but stand on buckets >= 0. That's why the index is zero.
On the other hand, if you decide to use floored buckets then you should hit the buckets <= -2 but stand on buckets >= -1. Thus, the index is -1. Do you see the difference?
Anyway rounding would be more appropriate.
That depends. Some times rounding is better and some times flooring is better. The important thing of both methods is that the buckets have the same size (=1).
| TC | Bucket |
| +2 | [+1.5,+2.5) |
| +1 | [+0.5,+1.5) |
| 0 | (-0.5,+0.5) |
| -1 | [-0.5,-1.5) |
| -2 | [-1.5,-2.5) |
I'm still waiting to see a simulation result that will yield decimals instead of integers.
It can be done with SBA. There's a trick for doing it that works pretty well. Suppose you want an exact index with one decimal using Hi-Lo:
1) Multiply the Hi-Lo tags by 10 getting the following system:
(-10 10 10 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10)
2) Generate the index you want
3) Divide the index found by 10
4) voila! there's your index with one decimal
Believe me, this method works!
My -1.3 was obtained by calculation on the basis of an infinite deck and should be valid for any shoe game S17.
If instead of using an infinite deck approach you used a 6-deck approach you would obtain an index of -1.0.
Hope this helps.