What does the "Index", is there a difference when the index is - or +? If the index is -1, would I deviate from BS at -1 and lower? Or follow BS at -1 and wait to deviate when TC goes lower than the index of -1. What about + index, stay with BS at the +index or is the index the point at which a player would deviate from BS. Author Henry J. Tamburin (BJ Take the Money and Run) gives and example; 9v7 = index of +3; he explains to Hit at +3 and lower counts (which is following BS), but Double at +4 and higher counts (deviating from BS). So I understand this to mean that at the "Index" you still follow BS? Because another example he gives is conflicting; 13v2 = index of -1; he explains at -1 and lower to Hit (which is a deviation from BS "at the index") and to Stand at 0 and higher (following BS). So is the "Index" the point at which you don't follow BS? Or do you wait for the T/C to go higher or lower than the "Index" then deviate from it?