Allow me to defend myself against the allegations you have leveled against me.
Statement from Iggy-�He had a responsibility to be loyal and respectful to his employer, to be honorable and trustworthy.�
Answer by Cellini- I agree �if the employer had the same amount of respect for their players and employees. You, for one, should know and understand what I�m saying and you know what I�m talking about. The casinos see their employees as expendable livestock. Would you be loyal to the communist party if someone showed you the light? Those scums of the earth punks that trashed our Twin Towers on 9/11 and killed all those red blooded Americans in that disaster were �loyal and respectful to their employer.� Is there any difference?
Statement by Iggy - �There is still a code of honor in certain circles of this nation and it is my opinion that Cellini broke that code and thus has to be looked at with suspicion by those of us who do care about Integrity, Honor and Duty.�
Answer by Cellini- Is their honor amongst thieves? Is there honor when a large conglomerate sits around and thinks of ways to deplete hard working people of their money while intentionally getting their "Marks� intoxicated? Explain to me the honor it takes to forcibly remove a player because he is not losing enough? Tell me about the nerve it takes to backroom, beat and hurt a person because he or she is good at math and common sense? Tell me what I did to insult you or your intelligence? Why do you feel the need to be so sarcastic towards me and what�s worse, those that attempt to defend me? Face me and make your allegations clear. No more Mr. Nice guy!
I served my country with Honor, Integrity, and a willingness to sacrifice my own life for people like you that sit around and can�t add anything to a conversation that�s less than sarcastic and demeaning. I fought and have seen my friends die for your right to express your opinion. Am I sorry for what I did? F-No! God Bless you my friend! I may not agree with you or your opinions but I fought and watched my friends and brothers in arms die so that you would have the right to express your opinion. Think �Ace of Spades� and what terror this card brought upon the enemies of the United States. Please tell me about your Honor, Integrity, and trustworthiness. Share this with all of us. Then feel free to comment on whether Huntington press called me or if I called them, not that it makes any difference as I suspect you're trying to dodge the main issue's here in an attempt to hide your lack of knowledge of current events.
We used German Shepard�s to protect our camps parameter and our brothers but it was a life/death situation and not a profit seeking venture we tried to sell to Mr. Wynn.
With that said, I offer my hand in peace. A traitor I am not; a friend to the oppressed I am. I ask for peace in all sincerity because I do not appreciate people challenging those that, for their own reasons, feel a need to defend me. If you have a problem with me, talk to me. If you think the mere mention of my name hurts or demeans this site, please address your concerns with Mr. Wong or Mr. Rogers. I will gladly retire and avoid this site should the overall census agree.
Again I extend my hand in friendship as a means of ending this tit for tat situation. Please consider my offer and meet me half way (as one A/F branch member to a Marine) but please leave those be that I consider friends.
If it is the consensus of this board that it was better off without Cellini, please make your intentions clear.
With all due respect.