LOVED IT.I was in the middle of my first prolonged losing streak of the year.Hours of frustration,receiving stiffs and busting with faces and of hearing how I hit 12 against a 6,messed up the whole shoe and ruined the flow of the cards.Another high count with a dealer questioning my every move for the last 3 hours and this 15-5 {a term I just made up}ghetto guy comes along.Just looking at him I knew he would hit stiffs.Betting a hundred with a couple splits on one hand and a doouble on the other,both receiving garbage, he hits 16 against a 6,taking more of my good cards.I knew he would.And the dealer quickly gave it to him.He didn't even give him a chance to be swayed by the almighty powers of the "table."And so I hated the dealer too."No," I yelled.Instead of busting, the dealer drew to 20,I suddenly slammed my green chips all over the felt in frustration.The floor was there and had my sympothy.I complained and THE WHOLE TABLE AGREED WITH ME.And the next hand the dealer got blackjack."There's always one who ruins it,"I said.The ghetto guy comented that this was a tough table.I gave him the cut card."hope it works out for you homes or homey.I just had to get all this out of my system.This game is like baseball and marraige-it's a long season.Willi.