Wong's forum shared... I altruisticly give back
"There are millions of blackjack players who all think they have some edge in some way. Some of them will get lucky for short, or long periods if very lucky. The ones that don't aren't going to come on here and proclaim their genius. ..............I'm being generous here and assuming you aren't just making it up, though God knows we get a lot of that. Please understand any winnings you may have had were a statistical aberration. It is unlikely they will continue even in the short-term."
Green Baize Vampire,
Even though a few use this list as the 'comic hour' or to just relieve their frustrations as they have a common bonding and love the game of BJ as we all do. Many on this forum have been most insightful for myself and the education of future BJ players. And to help many from driving off the progressionist's cliff' of eventual dissaster.
Other than counting, the Revere stradegies, occassional Progression when the count is plus(as edorced by Edward Thorp:M.I.T. Prof.) and luck is sweet, and my betting system which isn't trully a progression by it's methodology; I when using my 'edge'.
Just as many have shared with me, I'm earnest in wanting to give something back to the forum; the future of winning play. My only reward is knowing that maybe a fraction of a one per cent of you grasp it, and one day you too can boast honestly of zero losses over years of play.
You might contemplate, WHY so many diligently study this science and have been so passionate about it? Were they people who were forced to read the books like Moslems are forced to study the Koran? Are these students of the art coerced like the once USSR to beleive in Atheism? Or is it slightly or very possible there is a grey area in most west of Constainople of something they can't understand. If we were born in India, where every family consults one as much as Americans go to the gas station, I guarentee you'd partly understand.
So here is some interesting websites about the Science and legend of William F. Lilly. A Man who was escorted to Parliment because of his prediction, later accepted by that governmental body and allowed to practice his art despite it technically being illegal in England in the 17th century:
Read it and Weap my Children,
Count Blackjacula