Yes. You can specify the deck resolution, and in fact, Norm has run lots of sims with exact card resolution and provided those as well. Obviously not something we can get very close to in practice, but if you like to know "what is the best possible result, if I were granted super-human mental abilities so that I can keep up with the exact number of cards played?"
I like to use it to help me establish a betting ramp that is easy to play while not being too risky or giving up too much in terms of hourly win rate. You set up the rules, the penetration, your counting system, exactly which indices you want to use (and you don't have to choose "all" or "none" you can pick and choose if you want), and then you can ask for an optimal bet ramp, and plug in alternatives you would prefer to use and see what they do to RoR and win rate.
And if you want, you can compute your own indices for BS departures using some inhuman sort of deck estimation, if you are so inclined. In short, you can answer just about any question you might dream up, and it doesn't take very long either...
It's a must-have for analyzing games and strategies. And then there's CVBJ which is a must-have for practicing...