How can you save this professional loser's life?
"John Doe", a very degenerated gambler & a professional loser, had confessed to me these:
1) He had lost $30,000 to his favorite casino just last weekend & wasted some 1/2 million dollars so far,
2) He loses all interest in his job, wife & family,
3) He just can not stop gambling even though he had tried GA meetings, and
4) He joked that jumping off the parking deck may be his only way out sooner or later (I don't think he's joking because he's so depressed after losing all those doughs).
I feel bad that I don't know how to help the poor guy with SOS written all over his face. Perhaps you guys can give me some ideas in how to solve his problem. Several weeks ago, I posted something about Dr Jack Kevorkian and his contributions to society. I asked how can APs contribute to society like Dr. Jack. Now it's your chance. You guys can save John Doe's life indirectly and thus contribute to society in a positive way. I'll definitely run into him again during my next visit to that casino. I'm sure that he will speak to me as if I were his shrink, and I'll pass on your good ideas to him at that time. I look forward to reading your ideas.
"Am I my brothers keeper?" (Genesis 4:9)