That is "If" he is allowed to play at the competitors
If he had the misfortune of getting thrown out in Mississippi or Louisiana for being a lucky non-counter who had wide bet variations based on hunches or other money management schemes he could well find himself barred in an entire region of the country just because one casino hit the panic button. Griffin and Biometrica would not be dumb enough to take this casino's word, but SIN flyers now go out regionally and if this casino sent them out on this player, say in Vicksburg, he would find himself unwelcome everywhere else in town and maybe in the entire MS/LA region.
The casino industry is the only industry where direct competitors take the other sides word on a potentially huge customer. If I had a casino I'd fax all of my best customers faces to my competitors and tell them that this guy is an advantage player so that I could keep the guy all to myself. One would have to figure that some enterprising casino has already done this before.