This game is available to me at the Copa in Gulfpot Ms: single deck, S17, DD10,11, noDAS, Late Surrender, 50% penetration, heads up.
The progression is simple, bet 1 unit, if you lose bet 2 units. Always go back to one unit after a win and don't drop to 1 unit unless you win a 2 unit bet.
Count System (card = tag): 2=0,3=1,4=1,5=1,6=1,7=1,8=0,9=0,T=-1,A=0.
PE = 0.65; 78 indices + Insurance
Simulation: SBA, 1,000,000,000 hands
Flat Betting: -0.01% +/- 0.003
Progression: +0.015% +/- 0.004
In this sim there was no betting with the count, just the progression above. This progression also cut BS disadvantage in a short sim, but did not give a winning game. I will later see if edge can be maintained with just Ill 18 indices. Probably we are seeing the effect of the small correlation between losing a hand and winning the next hand known to exist in 1 deck play. I have never seen a sim that proved you could win with it though, especially with such a small spread. Of course the edge here is so small as to be almost worthless.