Nomenclature; EV vs EW
In its most common usage, (see the BJ21 glossary) EV (expected value) refers to the percentage you expect to win over the long term.
EV% = 100 x (Long Term Dollars Won / Long Term Dollars Bet)
The related term, EW (expected win) refers to the dollar amount you expect to win during a given period of time (i.e. $/hour).
EW = (EV%/100) x Dollars/Hour bet
EV depends on the casino rules, your count system, your relative bet spread (in your examples you are spreading 1-10), your bet ramp, the cost of camouflage and your error rate. It does not depend on the amount you are betting.
In other words, if you are spreading $5-$50 and decide to double your bet spread to $10-$100, then your EW ($/hour) will also double, but your EV (%) will remain the same.