Simplistic answer: four times
"Does anyone have any information regarding how much more potent an edge of 1% would be over an edge of lets say .5%? Should one expect to win double over the long run? It seems like this is the most logical answer but was wondering if a higher winning percentage would yield even more when considering reinvesting your bank roll. I was just curious."
Logically, you should make four times as much. Suppose you had a $10,000 bank. If you flat-bet optimally on each hand -- and forgetting about dividing by the variance -- you would bet $50 per hand. At 100 hands per hour, you would bet $5,000, and, with your 0.5% edge, you would make $25 per hour.
Now, with a 1% edge, your bet would be $100; you would make 100 such bets and therefore wager $10,000. With your 1% edge, you would make $100 per hour.