important!! important!!
Being one of the more paranoid on this board, I don't give out my email address to those I am unfamiliar with. Sending you an email would essentially be doing just that.
If this is about what I think it is, then as I said in an earlier post, I'm not willing give a "How to" on establishing and playing under another identity. The minute I did, the method would be worthless. I don't want that to happen.
If instead, its about tracking, I am also not willing to analyze and map out house shuffles for people, for the same reason as above.
Doing either of these would just be really foolsish and counter productive (no pun inteneded) to the interests of both myself and other counters/trackers as well.
I hope you can understand my reasons for taking this stance.
Take care,
its about the first up another email address like i just did.i didnt give you my primary email.just explain to me how to do the first thing and then delete your can open up another email address anywhere.i really need to know how to do this because they are really getting on me about getting a card.i will treat you to a GREAT comp when you come to vegas- if you do me this favor.there is no reason to be paranoid about the first thing.ive been on this thread for a long you live in vegas?
"Open up another email address like i just did.i didnt give you my primary email."
-I am well aware of how to do it, but can't see any point in going to the trouble of doing so here, since I cannot wisely give you the info you want.
"just explain to me how to do the first thing and then delete your email.
-Again, the email address is only a very small part of the equation.
"i really need to know how to do this because they are really getting on me about getting a card."
-I really do feel for your situation. I've been there too. But I cannot just randomly give stuff like this out. No one with any sense would, if he wanted to keep using said method. I'm not selfish. I do try to make helpful posts that relate to this on the "Comps & cover" GC page, but that doesn't mean I totally "give away the farm" either.
Please understand: There are a few people I often trade very sensitive tracking info with, but I don't share what you're asking for even with them.
Stop and think for a minute. There's nothing to stop a Pit boss from making a post exactly like the one you have and finding the "holes" in the player IDing system, is there? Said loopholes would close up almost immediately.
Furthermore, even if only actual real counters knew about it and used it after I broadcast about it here, there would soon be so many people using it that the casinos would quickly get wise. Again, the method would become totally worthless.
Don't get me wrong. There's just no way I am the only one who's thought of this method. I am not conceited enough to think that for even a minute! In fact, I'll bet there are at least a few other players on this board who are doing it exactly the same way I am, and probably a few that have thought of other ways as well. I am not about to be the one to blow it for them and myself as well. They figured it out, and hopefully so will you.
"i will treat you to a GREAT comp when you come to vegas- if you do me this favor."
-Thanx for the gesture, but I never meet with other counters face to face anyway, and besides, something like this is certainly worth more to me than a comp.
"there is no reason to be paranoid about the first thing."
-Sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong. This is a big/b> part of my overall cover, and there's simply no reason to risk pissing it away after doing a good bit of legwork to establish it.
All I can advise is to just keep your eyes and mind open, and use a little creativity. If you play long enough, opportunities that already exist will become apparent to you at some point.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your BJ career.
Take care,
method is to use a friend who is the same age as me-that wont work because they already know my first name.anyway,i will have to accept your wishes even though i think your being overly paranoid about emailing me.ive been posting on this thread for a long time.i really doubt pit boss's care about players cards on their off time.most of them want nothing to do with the business after they are off.
for the obvious reasons.
demand one w/o an id?
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