Zman's Reply
First of all, I respect your view point and expertice regarding advantage play. I have enjoyed and learned from many of your postings on these threads. However, as a veteran of the hole card and dealer warp games of the 80's i have one question to ask you. Does counting when playing hole card (first base or front load/index) or warps really mean anything?? I played both plus some other methods during my playing days in 1983 and 1984.
Now I might be wrong but with an advantgae of aprox 2.8% playing first baser's (where I get the hole card when the dealer looks under the ten's and aces) and aprox 5% when seeing the dealer delivering himself the hole card at least 80% of the time, I don't see the point of counting cards to increase the strategy plays, say 0.25 to 0.5%. One thing I wouldn't do was vary my wagers to the count, because I don't want someone in the pit to back me off for counting when I have a 100% front loader (6% adanvtage) or a great first baser. I don't need the extra information when first basing (seeing the hole card a little better then 40% of the time) to make optimal strategy plays and gain 0.25% (if that).
I respect your hard work in developing indices for these situations, but between me and you, I feel it's not practical for use in the game today. Again, I might be wrong.
My two cents,