Carlson's System, IMHO......
is to basically look like a "STEAMER", i.e., press-up after a win, drop-down after a loss, BUT ALL THE TIME, with proper regards for the TC, and ONLY when previous hand W/L coincides with the TC.
For example, as I read his charts, a Neutral Bet that WINS on a round that also causes his Max. Bet to be appropriate for the NEXT round, will of course, cause him to Bet Max.! (He simply presses his win). Conversely, same scenario but he did not win, would cause Neutral Bet to be again placed, even when Max. Bet is called for.
It appears that Carlson is giving up +EV in trade for LONGEVITY. He can tolerate same, due to both skill, and the fact that he is a Black-Chipper! OK, I can only win $200./hr instead of $500., but I can play many more hours.
I too, found his "Betting System" confusing, albeit actually rather simple in design and intent. Whatever, I tend to, at my Red-Green levels, to follow a "Little-Bet, Medium-Bet, Max.-Bet approach".
I doubt that this helps answer your question, but at least now you know that you are not the only one confused.