Unfortuantely I have been blacklisted by most all the chains in LV- MGM, Harrahs, Stations, Coast, even M, and as a result the free room offers have long dried up. It has been a while sice I played at most places, so I think I can play at many of these for short stints.
Out of the blue, I got a free offer from Cosmopoliton and would like to set it up as a home base. I am willing to play a break even or slightly better game to preserve the offers. I see they have some good conditions- dd h17, 6d s17 surrender, plus a few high limit dd s17.
What is best spread/plan to keep the offers coming with playing a short time? a $100-200 spread at the s17 dd or maybe a $100-400 at the 6d with some back wonging. Or are cover plays - stand on s18 vs 10 more important?
Hoping to find someplace that I can last a while.
Any suggestions or experiences from Cosmo would be appreciated.