The threat is not gone but...
I've recently started coming back to read the boards on this site after about a year's hiatus. Back when I left, the casinos were making their big push to convert all BJ games to the CSM's, and there was a lot of talk here about it. Since coming back, I haven't read a single thing on continuous shuffle machines. Does this mean that casinos gave up on them?
They didn't give up on them but the tide has turned against them.
This is due to a number of factors-resistance by casino personnel, resistance by ordinary players, "voodoo" theories circulating through the industry about the devices. To a certain extent these have always been the problem since csm's were introduced back in the early 90's.
The straw that broke the camel's back was the fact that a hardcore of underground advantage players were determined to find means of exploiting these machines, and developed many bizarre & fantastic methods for beating such games which were not dependent upon traditional card counting. This methods met with mixed success, but succeded in putting enough doubt in the minds of certain influential people within the industry.
The main threat to card counting now is not from csm's but from a cocktail of spanish 21, superfun21 and 6:5 "blackjack".