I had recently planned a trip to an Indian casino in Northern Michigan called Turtle Creek. I played rated and spread from 10 to 100 dollars and bet 5 bucks during negative counts. Upon betting 100 dollars for several hands in a row when the count was juicy the dealer called out checks play and the pit started making a couple phone calls and at one point my girlfriend noticed that the pit was looking directly at me. I try not to be paranoid and did not even notice that I was being eyeballed. I ended up playing on and off while at the casino for about four hours for each day of a long weekend of play. I thought the checks play and phone calls from to pit to the eye were a bit excessive and when I played dumb and inquired to the dealer why they announce checks play I was given a bs reason that it was because they like to track their black chips going out with surveillance and that is just their normal protocol. Anyone no anything or have any advice on planning my next long weekend trip there? They have the best conditions that I have ever played in with a little over 80% penetration. Very easy to beat. I would like to preserve my ability to play there. Am I being silly in thinking they would 86 a low limit bettor?