The Final Brick in the Wall!
Again you taunt me but only after I took a stand and a fall for a friend. The truth will surface and those that have read your post will be the true judges.
You enjoy kicking people when they're down but don't think for a second that the people on this board are so stupid that they have not figured you out yet. You are indeed the Scorpion.
I won�t be returning to this site so please feel free to kick the hell out of me since I won�t be here to defend myself. Maybe I have some fair weathered friends that will defend me or plead my case?
Most know that your dislike for me was due to the fact that I told the truth and leaned towards the advantage player�s side. Your written apology to me (BJF Online) was never accepted because of how you treated and talked down to me and all advantage players. Your 15 minutes of fame have come and gone.
With that in mind, I wish you peace and prosperity. Again, I will not appear on this site again unless I get a special invitation from John F. (you know who you are, I know who you are) so feel free to kick me when I�m down.
You have always been a good, fair minded person and I have defended you with all my might! I have nothing against you, Bettie or Viktor. I heard that some mean things were said about me from the likes of B and V but I have no bad feelings as business is business.
The previous message was meant for the BJ21.COM site but they have a policy (my opinion) to suppress free speech and only post things that favor their opinion.
My best to all,