Book answer
Both books are excellent.
How to Detect Casino Cheating . . . is written by Bill Zender, former Casino Manager of the old Aladdin. He occasionally posts to these pages using the handle "Zman".
The book contains essential info for anyone who plays a lot of blackjack. While casino cheating is rare these days, it is not unheard of, and Zender tells you how to spot it.
In additon, Zender is a good writer and the book is an entertaining read. There are many stories about the "old days" in Las Vegas.
Blackjack and the Law is just what the title implies, a book written by lawyers on how gaming laws affect the advantage player. It addresses questions such as what a casino can and cannot do to advantage players, what to do if you are backroomed, etc. Again, essential reading for anyone who spends a lot of time in a casino counting cards and playing blackjack.