I would like to see if someone can verify my calculations for the percent gain in expectation for receiving a 2 for 1 payoff on suited blackjacks in a single deck game.
The probability of receiving a blackjack is 128/2652 or 4.8265%
Thus, we will receive a suited blackjack 1/4 of the time or 1.2066%
Because the dealer will also receive blackjacks some of the time, we need to subtract from this advantage for the times the dealer receives a BJ.
A dealer will receive a blackjack the same round we do 128/2652 times 90/2460 of the time or .1766%
This reduces our probability to 1.0301% and with a .5 units bonus our expectation is increased by .5150%
Please let me know if I have made any errors in my calculations.
As this is my first post, I hope I have not made any errors.