My book is definitely for the newbie, it doesn't go very far into the world of advantage play, but it does give a solid framework from which to take the leap. After my book, books like Wong's professional blackjack should make a lot more sense. I also think that Bootlegger's recent book, and Kevin Blackwood's recent book are excellent choices.
You can read more about BJZ at and the book is sold through this site .
Tommy Hyland contacted me to tell me that he gives BJZ away to those who ask him for a first book on blackjack, which seems to happen to him quite a lot. I asked him for an endorsement, and this is what he sent:
"While there are some great blackjack books out there on the market, I think that The Blackjack Zone is the best book out there for the beginning player who wants to learn how to beat the game."
--Tommy Hyland
Arnold Snyder also recently contacted me to say that he is going to review it, I am looking forward to his review.