The other subject title that I was thinking of was, "The ramblings of a madman" but I think I need to avoid going too gonzo on here after getting my first post I ever wrote here deleted, so obviously I need to tone it down a notch and omit the parts talking of cavorting with Catalunian chicks and maybe also avoid cheesy titles. Anyway...
The more casinos "tighten up" the less gamblers will play, with the less they play casinos will become more desperate and "tweak it up" a notch, the more the casinos "tweak it up" a notch the more gamblers will become discouraged and play less or stop playing, seeing the futility of it all. Most gamblers are not going to go with, "Gee, I should bring more money since the house has increased the odds in their favor so now I have to bring more money to play the same period of time". They are going to bring the same amount of money and play less is all. They are going to lose more quickly and therefore be more discouraged to come back any time soon, if anything.
At the point that NOBODY wins EVER, not even the casinos in a way because when it's no longer "entertainment" for the casino patrons and just getting their ass kicked more quickly they just might clam up on you, at least the portion with any sensibility at all there could be an issue. Hoping to gouge all you can from a handful of diehard problem gamblers is financial suicide if that tiny well dries up and to keep a larger customer base you have to keep them gambling and keep them amused. Jacking up HA in hopes of this causing gamblers to spend more money will have the opposite effect. The "bean counters" don't seem to realize that your typical gambler is not going to bring more money to the casino to compensate for increased HA. They will merely lose their money faster, which has a detrimental psychological effect on the gambler making them think that it's impossible to win at all... ever. They're not going to win in the long haul anyway but the "slow bleed" at least gives them the illusion that maybe they can win once in a while.
In discussions with people playing in the casinos I've heard about this first hand. I was talking to a woman that plays slots and video poker sometime back and she talked at length about her personal gambling experiences. She used to have the premier player's card for the casino, play often at higher denominations, etc. The casino adorned her with offers, gifts and the works and she claims to have actually won here and there although she still took a huge loss in the overall. She noticed that over a few years that she was winning less and losing more often, so she backed down from spending as much gradually, describing her play.
Now the big picture on what happened with this woman. She was a premier player dropping about $20,000.00 a year steadily on gambling. She was happy because she won once in a while and was lavished in amenities. She noticed that she was winning less often and then noticed that (on statements from the casino) that she lost $40,000 for the year one year recently, with the same amount of money played for roughly the same amount of time spent at the casino. Now she plays low denomination (5 cents & 25 cents) video poker, has the lowest level player's card, puts very little into the machines since she KNOWS FOR A FACT that she will lose and just doesn't seem to ever win once in a while like she used to and questions to herself and others why she plays at all. She has dropped down to visiting the casino once a month with $200.00 and is thinking of cutting that out also since it's so discouraging and things are just "not what they used to be" for her. I don't know much about those machines but I guess they replaced enough machines with newer machines that did a harder "gouge" to cause this woman to lose all faith that she might win a little something back once in a great while? In any case, she is seeing futility in what was once great fun for her.
Good job you idiot bean-counters! You lost this woman who was a happy gambler spending a lot of money, that's for sure. Hike up that HA some more so you can have an empty casino you dipsh*ts!hahahaa Word of mouth travels a long way these days also. If you make it impossible for anyone at all to win no one will play. Add H17 to increase HA by a fifth of a percentage point and maybe no one is going to notice? They are going to notice and you are shooting for a short-term gain that guarantees long term losses.