of course
I know the advantages of 2-1 payoff for blackjacks. I know of places and times where it is offered as a promotion. What I am trying to determine is the best way to maximize my advantage under these conditions. Just because a player advantage is significant off the top does not mean one should sacrifice any additional potential advantage.
Ace side counts can be used to adjust betting from a knowledge of the number of remaining aces in the deck. As far as I know and from everything I have read, these adjustments are based on BJ paying 3/2-1. Therefore, I would imagine that they should be modified if BJ pays 2-1. I don't think this is a trivial question, and I'm not sure why you and The Grifter (who both seem quite knowledgeable on the subject, IMO) are treating it as such.
Maybe I'm wasting my time, but I just thought I should try to squeeze every last bit of benefit from these advantageous situations when they arise.