Don't see it . . .
Blackjack as a career? I don't see it and can't figure out why anyone would want to try.
It terms of EV, it's so far down on the list that playing for anything more than entertainment value (and the challenge of playing well), as far as a newbie is concerned, is wishful thinking.
I can't offer you expert opinion since I've only been at it for about a year, but there was a strech of months there when I played virtually daily and I figure I got in the equivilent of many years compared to most. So, what I can tell you with my experience is that it's fun to play, it great to win, it sucks to lose, and in the end, it gets a little boring.
But as a carreer? Playing red or even green or even occassionally black?
No. I need more EV to think about calling it a career.
We see headlines about guys who've made "over a million dollars" in their careers as blackjack pros. Ho hum. $40k a year, in 25 years . . . virtually everybody today earns a million dollars in their careers and they don't have to worry about things like negative variances or getting 86'd in the process.
Have fun and enjoy sitting at that table knowing you're playing with an advantage. Anything more than that is a huge leap, as far as I can tell.