I was astounded to discover that the "Four Horsemen" - the Army math heads who developed the first version of basic strategy in the 1950s using manual adding machines - were not charter members of the Blackjack Hall of Fame!
How in the hell...? The developers of basic strategy not charter members of the Hall of Fame? I mean, whaddya have to see?!
Oh well, eventually they were inducted.
A-Bombs and Multiple Columbuses
The Four Horsemen were like the Hiroshima A-bomb going off over the blackjack landscape -- paradigm changing. Things could/would never be the same. Thorpe was like the second A-bomb going off over Nagasaki. Everything else that has transpired since has been small potatoes, relatively speaking, IMHO.
These guys -- the four Horsemen and E.O Thorpe -- were the Columbuses of advantage blackjack play. All who followed were merely settlers in a New World, following in their pioneering footsteps. (Don't mention the American Indians because it will screw up the analogy :0)