Real World considerations with adjusting full Kelly daily or frequently.
1. Table limits do not go up and down gradually
2. Chip Denominations do not go up and down gradually
3. Below a certain amount your non-zero bankroll is useless due to limits and other considerations.
4. Expenses and profit taking raise your level of risk beyond that which full-Kelly would otherwise indicate.
If your bankroll is replaceable (growth phase) you should pick a unit that matches available table limits and is somewhere around 80% of Kelly and stick to that until you grow your bankroll a bit more and reinvest everything...then gradually reduce your Kelly Fraction to half-Kelly, third-Kelly, and Quarter-Kelly as your bankroll becomes irreplaceable. (i.e., increase your unit sizes at a slower rate than your bankroll increases). Any increase in unit size should be tied to a plan to move to the next higher possible table limits.
If your bankroll is already so large that it would be almost impossible to replace then playing to full-Kelly is a big mistake IMHO.