Hotel Planet Earth is in the news again. The Hotel had been checked out by many APs such as Uston, Campione, Lawrence Revere, Cellini, Peter Griffin,.etc�K Yesterday the Hotel was checked out by yet another AP named Charlston ��Chuck�� ��Moses�� Heston. See this link:
Chuck is a big AP & Paladin, not in the sense of casino stuff, but in the sense of the Hollywood & defender of Civil Rights along with Dr. King. I heard a wiseman once sez: ��All people are guests of Hotel Planet Earth. They first check in when they��re born, then they check out when they expire. After checking out, the next stop will be Heaven or Hell. It depends all up to you how you handle your ��freechoice�� while in the Hotel. I��ll miss you Chuck. Here��s my favorite Amazing Grace hymm played for you as you ascend into Heaven: