There are millions of card counters. Those who really have potential to get a decent profit either half 6 figure banks or are proficient shuffle trackers.
Not true at all. The one's who will be successful have discipline. They have the discipline to not over-bet their bank and develop the patience needed to get the edge. BJ is indeed a grind (maybe not as much as say, poker) but it still requires a great deal of discipline and patience. Shuffle tracking is very interesting, and can generate some extra profits, but it's an imperfect science at best.
I'm not saying that everybody will be dishonest but I think 99.9% of the people on this planet will end up being dishonest in teamplay. Maybe they won't steal as much as I did but remember the maximum edge is only 1-2% for even the best game.
So, you're basing the 99.9% on the fact that you were a back-stabbing thief? Isn't that a little near-sighted? Now, I don't look at the world with rose-tinted glasses, and evil does happen, but if you're committed to a team, then the success of the team should come first - not the other way around.
Also, as a point of correction, the long-run edge for most card counters is about 1-2%. Under the right conditions (rules, pen, etc) some games can have an edge higher than 1-2%.
Not a flame, just my observations.