First off let me start by saying that I've been reading this forum for awhile and everyone's responses have been very helpful to me. So thanks to everyone :-)
Ok now to the story..
I was in AC last tues, first stop...Resorts. They only had 2 $10 BJ tables open which I didn't like but I sat down anyway at a table w/ 6 other players. That was my first mistake. It was way too crowded on the table and everyone was pushed together like sardines in a can, making it very difficult to count.
Sat down and when the dealer burned the first card I asked her to see it. She responded "Why? Are you going to count?" I said" no and said I like to see it because of a supersition", so she rolled her eye's and showed it to me. Long story short I walked w/ $75 ahead because I had some ass sitting next to me that was splitting 7's or 8's against the dealers 10 and basicly just screwing up the whole table. He even hit on 14 w/ the dealer showing a 6. So I left.
Down to the Sands...
I walked by a $5 table and noticed the dealer (dealer's name and descripton deleted)was extremly slow, I'm talking turtle slow, how or why they even gave her a job is beyond me, so I sat down to take advantage of the slow play.
I ended up having the pit ask me several times if I wanted to be rated and I was only up not even 500. So that brings me to my first question: Is that weird for a pit to keep asking someone to be rated?
I'm by no means a pro counter but I do count using T Hi-low and it worked out very nicely.
I walked w/ $550 after only laying out 100 so actually 450 was my total win, which brings me to my next question: Am I considered to be a novice counter if I couldn't keep a straight count at resorts because of the 7 players and the fast deal?
I guess I should stick to smaller games, but what can I do in the mean time to add to my time it takes to count?
Any help would be appriciated.