A TC of 3-4 should yield a 50/50 chance of winning your next hand. At a plus 5 tc your odds will only slightly increase by a fraction of %. Keep in mind this excludes pushes. A 2% advantage does not mean you will win 51% of your hands.
I cant imagine trying to discipline yourself into only playing at +5 tc's or higher. It is an impractical solution to becoming a winner.
You should just accept the fact that our gain comes from winning premium hands like doubles and naturals, and not from winning the majority of hands. While it is true that in most games the player begins to win more hands than the house somewhere around +5, in a more favorable game that has surrender you will not win more hands than the house at any TC (fewer wins but more half losses rather than full losses). Would you rather play a less favorable game that has a higher percentage of hands won? In fact, if you never double down you will also increase your percentage of hands won while further reducing your ev. Your percentage of hands won will be higher with double on 10 & 11 only and no double after split. Would you prefer this to DOA & DAS? Think in terms of your edge rather than percentage of hands won.