As a hobby I'm currently fixing up an old IBM AT from the mid 80’s. I found a game called “Vegas Games” made by a company called “Key Punch Software”. It has roulette, VP, craps and blackjack. The cool thing is that the blackjack game appears to be a counting simulation or training software. The game comes with 3 counting systems:
Tulcean-main count system
Revere-Point Count
Archer system.
Plus you can make your own by assigning a value to each card. While playing you see the count simultaneously for all count systems and it tells you how many cards are still left in the deck. I couldn’t use it for to long because the computer has a problem with its power supply and won’t stay on for too long. But the software was very interesting. I did not know there were card counting software in the mid 80’s.
Has anybody heard or used this program ?
Any Background info?
Info on Tulcean and Archer Count systems?