My humblest apologies for the duplicate post (I asked a similar question a couple of months ago), but I have yet to get a complete set of 2D indices.
I have Professional Blackjack, Blackjack Attack, 200-Proof Blackjack, and Griffin's Theory of Blackjack--all of which are very helpful, but none of which contains a complete table for 2D.
Specifically, the rules are 2D, H17, DAS, RSA.
I know the I18 for this set of rules and am currently interpolating the 1D and 4D indices for the rest. This is past the point of diminishing marginal returns, I realize, but it still wouldn't hurt to have the complete, non-interpolated indices. The way I see it, extra memorization (even to the point of composition-dependent numbers) isn't difficult and so is worth even a marginal gain to me.
I'm writing this on my Palm Pilot as I sit in my casino hotel room, so , unfortunately, telling me to get Casino Verite and running sims won't do me much good at the moment.
An odd question:
In completely unrelated matters, could someone explain why splitting 9-9 v. ace is correct with 1D, H17, and DAS? The data on p. 75 of Griffin's ToB doesn't support this decision. Even when the effects of removing two 9s and one ace are taken into account, splitting appears to be worse than standing by a small margin. I would never question Griffin's analysis, so I wonder what I'm missing.
In any event, thanks to everyone who posts to this board. I've almost always found the answer to whatever BJ questions I've had in the past.