
Basic Strategy for Misdeals

Basic strategy for misdeals by the chaperone

Dealer errors can be fairly common. Two cards come out of the shoe at the same time; the dealer deals someone the shuffle card or otherwise forgets to deal to a spot, etc. Generally, the floorperson comes over and gives the player the option of playing or retracting the bet. This is a good deal for the player. Obviously, you'd like to play any positive EV hand, and fold any negative EV hand. Usually common sense suffices, but some plays are not so obvious. Thus I created a list of which hands to play and fold based on EVs listed in Appendix E of Professional Blackjack.

Rules: 6 decks, H17, DS

Dealer Upcard ACE

If the dealer has not checked for blackjack, play 20 (and of course blackjack).

If the dealer has checked for blackjack, play 10, 11, 19, 20, and A,A.

Dealer Upcard 10

If the dealer has not checked for BJ, play 11 and 20.

If the dealer has checked for BJ, play 10, 11, 19, 20 and A,A.

Dealer Upcard 9

Hard hands: Play 10, 11, 19, 20.

Soft hands: Play A,8 and A,9.

Pairs: Play Aces.

Dealer Upcard 8

Hard hands: Play 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20.

Soft hands: Play A,2; A,3; A,7; A,8; and A,9.

Pairs: Play 9s and Aces.

Dealer Upcard 7

Hard totals: Play 8, 9, 10, 11, 18, 19, 20.

Soft hands: Play all but A,5.

Pairs: Play 8s, 9s, and Aces.

Dealer Upcard 6

Hard hands: Fold hard 12-17.

Soft hands: Play all.

Pairs: Play all.

Dealer Upcard 5

Hard hands: Fold 5-6, and 12-17.

Soft hands: Play all.

Pairs: Play all.

Dealer Upcard 4

Hard hands: Fold 5-7 and 12-17.

Soft hands: Play all.

Pairs: Play all but 6s.

Dealer Upcard 3

Hard Hands: Fold 5-7 and 12-17.

Soft hands: Play all.

Pairs: Play 8s, 9s, and Aces.

Dealer Upcard 2

Hard Hands: Fold 5-8 and 12-17.

Soft hands: Fold A,4 and A,5.

Pairs: Play 8s, 9s and Aces.

Note: The only change for S17 games is to fold Hard 6 vs. 6.

In No DS games, you should also fold 8s vs. 2; 2s, 3s, and 7s vs. 4; 6s and 7s vs. 5. Lastly, 6s vs. 6 should be folded in the S17 No DS game, but played against all other rule sets.

Originally published on Green Chip, edited for this format.


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