
basic strategy decision test


Lesson 6: Download Element

Basic Strategy Decision Test

Hand # Player's Hand Dealer's Up Card Decision (H,S,D,P)
1. 7,2 6  
2. A,2 3  
3. 10,2 2  
4. 6,6 6  
5. 9,7 10  
6. A,7 9  
7. 8,2 10  
8. A,4 4  
9. 7,2 7  
10. 9,3 3  
11. 5,5 6  
12. 5,3 6  
13. A,6 2  
14. 9,2 10  
15. 3,3 2  
16. 6,5 A  
17. A,8 6  
18. 7,7 2  
19. 8,8 10  
20. 5,4 7  
21. A,2 5  
22. 4,4 6  
23. 10,3 7  
24. 8,4 4  
25. 9,9 7  
26. A,A A  
27. 7,5 4  
28. 9,7 7  
29. 5,5 9  
30. 9,2 10  
31. A,6 7  
32. 7,2 4  
33. 9,9 9  
34. 2,2 7  
35. 3,3 2  
36. A,7 10  
37. 8,8 4  
38. 6,4 2  
39. A,9 6  
40. 9,9 A  

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Paul Flesher
September 28, 2019 12:05 am
Where are the correct answers?
Al Rogers
September 28, 2019 3:36 pm
Rob G
April 21, 2022 9:48 am
You'd think they would just put the answers up to make it easier to check how you did. You have to refer back to the strategy sheet to check makes it more inconvenient.
Dominic Femino
July 7, 2024 10:36 pm
They cannot provide answers because some of the answers are dependent upon the rules that you are playing with.

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