It�s a classic!
You cannot bet like a computer by the true count and hope that you will get away in casino. It is impossible to beat the casino game if you strictly bet by the count. They wouldn�t let you! The casino use a very simple method to figure you out and that method was introduced by the one of the brightest minds in blackjack that was the greatest Peter Griffin.
That method is the Bet Average. They will take 10 of your bets when the count is positive and 10 bets when the counts is negative and average them out. Then compare the two numbers. If your average bet during the positive is greater then the average bet during the negative you are labeled to be a card counter and if you continue to win they will probably back you off.
Now, here you�ve got to be very careful and if you observe that they are watching you and if you are in some profit, LEAVE with the profit. If they suspect you to be a card counter but not winning much at the moment they probably will not bother you yet until you get into a negative standard deviation and as soon as you are in red they will 100% ban you at that point.
They don�t even have to get a precise count. An approximation is sufficient. If the deck or the shoe appears to be on the positive side they take samples of your bets and when it looks that the deck or the shoe is on negative side they do the same. It�s a classic!
Those card counter catchers are the lowest of the low from the backwoods of the back!
I personally know one guy in Vegas that use to play in the past and he was the biggest IDIOT of all times that wasn�t even able to figure a simple TC conversion for a single deck. A big LOSER! Now, this type of people when they lose their bankroll turn around an some of them go to work for casinos. Those are the bankrupt card counters.
However, going back to your problem, you can also do the same: When the deck or shoe appears to swing on positive you can bet more by parlaying if you have won the previous hand. If you lost but the count is still positive just flat bet.